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Tips for Window Cleaning in the Spring – Keystone Window Cleaning

Tips for Window Cleaning in the Spring

Tips for Window Cleaning in the Spring

Spring is here in Johnson City, TN and you know what that means.

The infamous, yet enjoyable, spring cleaning that we’ve all come to have a bittersweet relationship with. There’s tons of items on your list to check off — picking up the yard, cleaning out the garage, and throwing away all that stuff you no longer use.

Look around your house and you’ll likely notice piles of clothes, toys, books and more. That’s what winter does to us, right? We go into hibernation and push things aside. The cold weather becomes an excuse to let things one — one of those being your windows!

General Window Maintenance Tips

There’s a few things that can take a toll on your well-being. If not simply for the fact that we all dread doing them.

For this reason — we suggest tackling these tasks earlier in the spring, so you can enjoy your summer months.

Window cleaning is a task that may seem slightly daunting and overly boring, but it actually gives you an opportunity to check around your window frames to see if the seals are still intact. The cold, winter weather can often break down the rubber and seals around your windows, which can cause an increase in electric bills. This can allow allow for dirt, debris and even insects to get inside.

  • Leaks and cracks around your windows can potentially lead to wood detoriate
  • Condensation in between the panes of your windows shorten the lifespan of them

If left unattended for too long, you may find yourself needing to fully replace some of your windows.

Window Screen Cleaning

So, while you’re cleaning those windows and checking for those broken seals, why not pop those dusty screens out and clean them as well?

Assuming your screens have been properly insert, most of them are very easy to remove.

Tip: Mark each screen came and which window it came from so you know where they go after you’re all done

Once they are out, prop them up against the side of the house and scrub them with a soapy, non-abrasive brush. We recommended spraying both sides of the screens with the water hose to rinse.

Next up comes the easy part — let them dry!

Window Cleaning Tips

Before you get started, here’s a few good items to have ready:

  • A quality, squeegee
  • A spray bottle of window cleaning solution
  • A few cloths that can get wet
  • Clean, dry cloths

There are several window types that are very easy to clean, such as double-hung windows that tilt in and casement windows that crank out.

Use your “dirty” cloths to remove any loose dirt or dust from the glass. This will make the cleaning easier in a moment. This is also a good time to use an abrasive pad to remove any “built up,” hardened dirt that doesn’t want to come off easily.

Next, spray on your window cleaning solution followed pulling your squeegee from the very top, all the way to the bottom without removing the squeegee from the glass. Repeat this motion until you’ve removed all of the window cleaning solution.

That’s it! Keep at it until all of your windows are done.

Need help?

Have you ever found yourself running into any of these scenarios:

  • Not enough time to clean all of my windows?
  • Can’t reach or access all of your windows?
  • Don’t have the tools (squeegees, ladder, etc)

That’s where we come in! Keystone Window Cleaning can help make your spring cleaning a breeze.

Get your FREE Keystone estimate today!

Don’t wait any longer, your home and family will thank you.

Free Estimate

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